Dreams reimagined.


Where do dreams go?

When I wake up, my dreams are lost immediately. While I could write them in a journal, I feel that my mind slips faster than I can write. Fine details are lost. Some people also believe that dreams offer insights into our deeper selves. While I am not sure if I totally believe that dreams are making means of internal conflicts, the thought exercise of interpreting them is an interesting one.

User Interviews

How do consumers track important thoughts? What do dreams mean to you?

Dream Journals

Few people keep dream journals, largely because they don't care to write out the complex nature of their dreams. Dreams also tend to be imaginative and the details are hard to capture for the average scribbler.

Meaning Seekers

Consumers and some therapists like to analyze dreams for deeper meanings. Some therapy tactics use dreams to discover true emotions, intentions, and beliefs that can help patients through difficult times.


Consumers prefer using text-to-speech when writing out a longer message or thought. In the case the idea is a more private one, then text-to-speech is not preferred.

Digital Notes

Consumers are moving away from written notes and are using digital note apps. Note apps allow consumers to include images, links, and other media to enhance their messages.

Design Standards

What gives "dream"?

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